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Wild Oregano Oil



We live in dangerous times. New antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are out of control. New epidemics such as ebola and flesh eating disease are on the rise. Our air, water and food supplies are all carrying potential killer pathogens: contaminated meat, mad cow disease, salmonella and ecoli bacteria in chicken, parasites in sushi, giardia, cryptosporidium and other parasites in our water supplies. Threats of biological warfare are heralded in the media.




































Not all oregano varieties or oils are equal. The medicinal effectiveness of the wild Mediterranean species is unparalleled. This particular species has a unique balance of compounds, which work together synergistically. Gathered wild, Mediterranean oregano is free of the chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that contaminate conventionally grown crops and would make the essential oils produced from them toxic.


Essential oil from the oregano plant is produced by steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops. Essential oils are highly concentrated volatile oils consisting of the natural chemicals that are to be found in all plants. Many of these substances have beneficial effects for the body, mind and mood.


Oregano oil contains four main groups of chemicals that contribute to its potent healing powers. Phenols, such as carvacrol and thymol, act as antiseptics and antioxidants, while terpenes, which include pinene and terpinene, exhibit antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties. Linalool and bonreol are two long-chain alcohols found in oregano oil, which add to the antiviral and antiseptic qualities. Esters are potent antifungal agents. Two that are found in abundance in oregano oil are linalyl acetate and geranyl acetate.


Although there is a combined effect of the many compounds found in oregano oil, its effectiveness is largely attributed to its primary ingredient, a phenol named carvacrol. When lab tested, carvacrol was found to be one of the most potent antibiotics known to science.1 In tests done at Georgetown University, it was found to be more effective than penicillin, streptomycin and even vancomycin (considered to be the strongest of all antibiotics). Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, oregano oil does not create resistant strains of mutant bacteria. It is able to naturally, and effectively, eliminate any pathogen that is unfortunate enough to cross its path.


Immune Stimulant


As an immune system booster, oregano is unparalleled in the plant kingdom. It is many times stronger than echinacea or goldenseal. A couple of drops daily are enough to supercharge your immune system, which is your first and most powerful defense against disease.


Antibiotic and Antiseptic


Tooth and gum infections respond quickly to oregano oil, due to its powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties. The oil is applied directly to the gums and teeth. Regular treatment will vastly improve oral health and hygiene. Many people suffering from a variety of chronic infections have seen them disappear quickly after using the oil internally and externally (please see the sidebar for a list of conditions for which oregano oil has proven beneficial).


Food Poisoning


In a recent study, approximately 20 percent of meat samples obtained from grocery stores contained antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Vegetarians can be affected by food poisoning, as well. Salmonella and E. coli have been found on such vegetables as iceberg lettuce and alfalfa sprouts, resulting in food poisoning. Restaurant food is often contaminated due to poor hygiene or improper washing of produce. By using oregano oil daily, you can significantly reduce your chances of being one of the 84 million cases of food poisoning that occur annually in North America.




Oregano oil has been used very successfully in treating viral conditions, such as colds, flu, shingles, herpes and warts. The fact that wild oregano oil can stop a cold or flu if taken at the first sign of symptoms is indicative of its amazing powers.




The aggressive antifungal properties of oregano oil work effectively against stubborn fungal infections such as candida and nail fungus. You may use the oregano oil internally for candida and both externally and internally for nail fungus. Mix a few drops with shampoo to get rid of dandruff or seborrhea, which are caused by fungal infection of the scalp. Take some to the locker room to eradicate athlete’s foot.

Oregano oil is the active person’s best friend due to its anti-inflammatory and pain relieving action. Used topically, the oil deeply penetrates tissues and, in so doing, brings relief and speeds healing of bruises, torn and sore muscles, sprains, tendonitis, cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome and other similar injuries. These same properties make it a powerful remedy for arthritis.



Allergies, which are affecting increasing numbers of people, can often be eliminated by the internal use of oregano oil and by breathing the vapors from the oil. In many cases relief occurs quickly.




Among the natural antioxidants, oregano oil is one of the most powerful. It protects cells from free radical damage in the same way it prolongs the shelf life of foods.




Parasites, such as head lice and scabies, as well as internal parasites, are no match for oregano oil. The oil can be added to soaps, shampoos and diluted in olive oil for topical applications. By taking a few drops daily under the tongue, one can gain protection from water-borne parasites, such as cryptosporidium and giardia. Internal dosages also are effective in killing parasites and flukes in the body.




Oregano oil is capable of neutralizing venomous bites, making it invaluable as an effective first aid treatment for bites of all varieties, including bees, snakes and spiders. Oregano oil is also useful for preventing infection from animal bites and other puncture wounds. It reduces inflammation and its anesthetic properties relieve the pain associated with bites and stings after topical application.


Blood Oxygen Levels


Many people suffer symptoms related to poor oxygen absorption in the blood. Their cells are starved for oxygen feel the effects as fatigue. Oregano oil used internally and externally increases oxygen absorption in the blood. Many people note increased energy after taking oregano oil.




Bacteria, viruses and fungi are able to change form in the body as a result of changing chemistry within the body. This is known as pleomorphism. Think of it as shape shifting. Oregano oil is deadly to all types of pathogens; it can continue to be effective, no matter whatever form they assume.




Wild oil of oregano can be used both internally and externally. The vapors can be inhaled to effectively combat lung complaints and coughs. The oil should be kept away from the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as sensitive skin areas. Children under the age of twelve should not take the oil internally. Children may be treated by diluting the oregano oil in olive oil and rubbing it on the soles of the feet or other areas of the body.


The adage “less is more” applies to the use of oregano oil. It is extremely potent and should be taken according to directions. Recommended dosages should be followed. Use minimum amounts to observe the effects prior to taking larger dosages. For internal use, only take the Mediterranean species of wild oregano that has been mixed with a high quality olive oil. Other oregano oils are often ineffective and can be dangerous. Many of these oils are mislabelled and, in fact, are not the true oregano. The pure essential oil is far too strong to use externally or internally. For safety, use a brand pre-mixed with olive oil.


Nature has provided us with a potent remedy for a wide range of afflictions in wild oregano herb and oil. It is a natural medicine chest in a bottle. Once tried, wild oregano oil will become a friend for life.




1. International Journal of Food Microbiology (research by: Akgul and Kivanc


2. The Cure is in the Cupboard How to Use Oregano for Better Health by Dr. Cass Ingram, Knowledge House 1997






Not all oregano varieties or oils are equal. The medicinal effectiveness of the wild Mediterranean species is unparalleled.


  • This particular species has a unique balance of compounds, which work together synergistically.


  • Gathered wild.


  • Mediterranean oregano is free of the chemical fertilizers


  • No pesticides, herbicides and fungicides that contaminate conventionally grown crops and would make the essential oils produced from them toxic.


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