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Natural Attitude Vitality Turmric Liquid Extract




"Quite simply the most potent liquid turmeric extract available anywhere." A premium formula that's rich in curcumin, one of the most widely-regarded plant nutrients for healthy living. After discovering the extraordinary range of turmeric health benefits, "I added this to my list of my top-recommended supplements of all time." - Mike Adams, the Health RangerPotency note: One serving (1/4 tsp) of this liquid turmeric equals 1,400mg of raw turmeric root.


Amazingly, turmeric is one of the most studied botanicals in modern science. While many enthusiasts and health professionals around the globe have known about the highly appealing characteristics of this 'granddady' spice, it wasn't until recently that the health media properly began covering them.


The antioxidants in turmeric, such as vitamin C and others, actually come from active compounds within the spice called curcuminoids. What you may not be aware of is just how powerful the antioxidants delivered by these curcuminoids may be. Amazingly, curcumonoids may deliver antioxidants which are:

  • A whopping 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C

  • 3 times more powerful than grape seed or pine bark extract


It is important, though, to make sure you are getting the right (high quality) turmeric when it comes to your health. In fact, it is perhaps the most important part of the decision to purchase any herb or spice. I recommend you do not take the risk on low quality or synthetically processed forms of turmeric which are commonplace in the supplement market.



Avoiding Fillers, Synthetic Ingredients, and even Genetically Modified Organisms in Many Turmeric Products.


In other words, don't simply purchase any turmeric supplement you can find in your local supermarket or health food store. It is very important to be selective when it comes to what you put into your body. When selecting Natural Attitude Vitality Turmeric out of a marketplace of thousands of other formulas, we went through a rigorous quality checklist that covered everything from how the organic turmeric was harvested to how it was ultimately extracted into liquid form.


From the formula ingredients to the manufacturing process, we spent a great deal of time ensuring that Vitality Turmeric is not only free of any such concerns but also produced with only the best ingredients by a manufacturer with serious experience and reputation in the industry.


I believe it is very important to examine the manufacturing process of a product in addition to the quality of the formula. In fact, I believe that improper manufacturing techniques can seriously impact the overall benefits of any herb or spice.


Serving size: 1/4 tsp.
Servings per container: 48

Each serving contains 1/4 tsp. turmeric extract.

Other ingredients: Kosher certified vegetable glycerin, purified water (pH neutral), Trace Minerals.




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