Healthy Edge

Oxygen is the most important nutrient to the cells in your body and plays an integral role in almost every bodily function. It is responsible for producing up to 90% of your body's energy and it makes up approximately 96% of your body's nutritional needs. You can live without food for weeks, without water for days, but only a few minutes without oxygen.
Oxygen4Energy is one of the fastest, most effective ways to flood your body with valuable oxygen at any time! Try some today and see what a difference EFFECTIVE oxygen supplementation can make in your life!

The Sports Science
OXYGEN combines with glucose to create ATP, the main energy source for your muscles. The more ATP your muscles have, the more powerful and explosive they will be.
When your muscles don't receive enough OXYGEN to support their exertion, they begin to produce lactic acid, which can cause muscle fatigue and failure. The more OXYGEN your muscles receive, the slower the production of lactic acid and the slower the rate of muscle fatigue.
OXYGEN is needed by your body to metabolize lactic acid in the liver AFTER exercise.
The more OXYGEN you get into your body POST-exercise, the faster your muscles can recover.
The bottom line is that OXYGEN can
affect every aspect of performance for
an athlete:
Power and Explosiveness
Lactic Acid Muscle Burn
Training Intensity
Training Capacity
Mental Clarity and Focus
Fact: 75% of us get "hungover", with this oxygen supplementation may be "the best thing since sliced bread ." If you've ever suffered from a hangover on a day when you had a lot to get done, you know that you'd try just about anything to make it go away!
Although hangovers are believed to be mainly caused by dehydration, this deprivation of oxygen is also a main factor. The ability of supplemental oxygen to clear the mind, detoxify the blood and increase your body's energy has been reported by many to help eliminate the terrible symptoms associated with hangovers, including headaches, fatigue and nausea.
Scientifically speaking, it takes 3 oxygen molecules to break down 1 alcohol moleculeinto acetaldehyde, and then into carbon dioxide and water. The more oxygen you give your body, the faster the alcohol will be broken down into harmless substances.
Flooding your body with oxygen after
anight of alcohol consumption, followed
by more oxygen when you wake up can
do wonders to keep hangovers away and
make mornings more enjoyable!
Important Note: When using oxygen for a
hangover, make sure to drink a lot of fluids
as well. Oxygen does not eliminate
As we age, our lung capacity decreases, our breathing isn't as deep, our heart doesn't pump as strong, our blood isn't capable of carrying as much oxygen, and our circulation is compromised due to clogging of blood vessels. On the average, we lose our ability to carry and transport oxygen by about 1% per year.
Over a 50-60 year time span, this can have a dramatic impact on our quality of life!
All of these factors can dramatically reduce oxygen transport to your cells. Reduced oxygen delivery can affect three main areas for seniors:
Brain function
Help your elder loved ones improve their quality of life. Give their bodies the supplemental oxygen they are craving!
Energy and Vitality
Most experts agree that the loss in energy and vitality is due primarily to the bodies reduced ability to produce ATP, the main energy source for the cells in your body. This reduced capacity to produce ATP is directly related to the reduction in oxygen transport throughout your body. The less oxygen you transport to your cells, the less ATP they can produce. It's a pretty simple equation.
Brain Function
The brain utilizes approximately 20% of the body's oxygen supply. When it doesn't get this supply, it can lead to issues such as sleep apnea, poor concentration, forgetfulness, mood swings, restlessness, depressive thoughts and low drive. The more oxygen you supply to your body, the better your brain can function. Learn more about oxygen and brain function...
Oxygen is crucial to so many functions in the
body. Here is a list of other major issues that
can be affected by lack of oxygen:
Immune function
Food digestion and metabolism
Detoxification processes
Virus, parasite and bacteria removal
Stress comes in many forms, all of which can be debilitating: emotional stress, physical stress, toxic stress, and pathogenic stress. Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, mood swings, increased heart rates, the inability to concentrate, and more.
All forms of stress can affect your body's ability to take in and utilize oxygen, the most important nutrient to your body. Prolonged stress, as we all know, can cause serious, life threatening disease.
What is the first thing people tell you when you are stressed?... BREATHE! Why?... because breathing gets more oxygen into your body... and more oxygen in the body helps it cope with stress!
Practitioners of Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Meditation and other relaxation exercises all focus on BREATHING. They are all based on the premise that maximizing oxygen
intake will keep your body relaxed, your muscles
loose, and your mind clear and focused.
Important Links on Using Oxygen for Headaches
Note: The links provided below are purely for your
education only. By providing these links, we are
NOT implying that Oxygen4Energycan be used
for the same purposes as in any of the articles
below. Oxygen4Energyis NOT FOR MEDICAL
USE and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent
any diseases. Always consult your physician before
taking any supplement products. Oxygen4Energy should not be used if you have: asthma, lung or heart ailments without approval from your medical doctor.
Recreational oxygen is NOT FOR MEDICAL USE and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any diseases. It should not be used if you have: asthma, lung or heart ailments without approval from your medical doctor. It should not be used in any medical emergency. Always consult your physician before taking any supplement products. The statements and representations on this website have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).