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Dr. Mercola Natural Mint Mouthwash

Alcohol-Free All Natural Mouthwash


Avoid some of those unpleasant issues like dry mouth… dehydration… and gum irritation.

And as far as an appealing taste, the Mercola Natural Mouthwash uses a natural sugar substitute called stevia that…


  • Not only is a natural sweetener, it actually helps clean teeth and gums. How many sweeteners do you know that can do that?


  • Comes from a natural plant… not from some synthetic process like artificial sweeteners.


  • Is many times sweeter than sugar and has virtually no calories.




With mouthwash, you want a solution that not only freshens your breath, but has an appealing taste as well.

One of the biggest risks with most conventional mouthwashes is the fact that they're loaded up with alcohol. Some levels are downright shocking, and many mouthwash producers must go through a denaturing process to make the alcohol undrinkable.

Not so with Mercola Natural Mouthwash.

This mouthwash is both fluoride and alcohol-free… so you can.

























Most believe extract made from the leaves of the stevia plant is one of the best choices of natural sweeteners available.


Plus, alcohol-free Mercola Natural Mouthwash also contains a natural ingredient called Xylitol.

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